Knowledge Exchange

Coproduce care is committed to sharing the often not shared information from conferences, networks, and lesser heard voices in social care. we will do this in this area by blogging on events we attend and letting you know what people in care policy and practice are talking about. 

We would also love to hear about your experiences in care, whether you are a care worker, cook, person with a disability or manager, please get in touch and we’ll support you to write and share your experiences here
by Sophie Chester-Glyn 29 November 2019
The King’s Fund is a leading think-tank and independent charity which holds regular health and social care event and shares research and commentary. Whilst the King’s Fund has traditionally focused on health-related topics, it is increasingly shining the light on aspects relating to social care. This is a summary of some of the talks from the first day of its two-day annual conference held in London on 27th November 2019.
by Sophie Chester-Glyn 14 November 2019
Integration, technology, politics, coproduction and leadership. All of this was covered in today's Care England Conference. Fear not if you couldn’t make it as we have blogged below the best bits from Andrea Sutcliffe , Chief Executive of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, Professor Martin Green from Care England , Kate Terroni from CQC and more.
by Sophie Chester-Glyn 11 October 2019
Yesterday, we were lucky enough to attend the Care Show in Birmingham, an annual two-day health and social care conference held to showcase new initiatives, technologies and products for the sector. Key to the conference is its talks and debates from care industry leaders. Whilst we were only able to attend part of the event, in the interest of opening up the care debate, we are blogging about what we learnt. Please feel free to #share.
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